Japanese (4)

Madagascar (4)

Click thumbnail to enlarge. Clickable words in the right column jump to new images.

16. Antananarivo, the Capital of Madagascar (50KB)

Town Centre(98 KB) from the top of the hill (taken by Dr. Ohtani)
Inofficial semminar(63 KB)with colaboraters.

17.Fianarantso (130KB)

The second largest city in Madagascar, taken from small aeroplane (46 KB)
Diligent children, e.g. carrying bricks(82 KB) and gathering firewood(91 KB) and baby sittering (69 KB) and processing Casava(72 KB) .
Cathoric church (61 KB),Most of them are Catholic.
Asking for gathering plants to natives (99 KB) who fetched the correct species immediately. (The persons in the front are two Malagasy botanists).

18. Typical Betsileo Trive near Ambalavao (62KB)

Passengers (52 KB) taken from moving car.
Farmer and their family(53 KB)
Watching cattle(94 KB) in the rain.
Imprtant negotiation(75 KB)


19.Bridge under construction (68 KB)

Have we to return?
Checking (70 KB) on foot, It seems to be OK.
Successful Results (70 KB)


20.Ninox superciliaris (77 KB), seemingly fell down from the nest.
Several photos of insects: Phromnia rosea(24 KB) and their juvenils(36 KB), bigger and more shaggy than Japanese green relative.
Maybe a kind of Cricket(71 KB) (Orthoptera), making funny noise.Cicindela sp., a kind of tiger beetle(37 KB)
A snake (Leioheterodon geayi *) disappeared under the sand soon after this shot. (*Identified by Dr. Emmanuel Van Heygen)

Camera:Canon EOS Kiss, Lens: EF 28-80mm or EF 75-300mm, Film: Fujicolor super 400, processed with Codak Photo CD, or EPSON scanner GT5500 (from 12.5 x 9 cm print), taken by Kazuo Yamasaki, unless otherwise stated.

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