Japanese (2)

Madagascar (2)

    Click thumbnails to enlarge. Clickable words in the right column jump to new photos.


    6. Alluaudia procera (Didiereaceae) at Ifaty (122KB)

    A Japanese volonteer's group (Southern Cross) is helping to recover the nativel flora of Madagascar by planting original useful plants such as Alluaudia: One of the active member, Mr. Hashimoto (with me).

    7.Alluaudia and Baobab at Ifaty(82KB)

    Close up of the leaves of Alluaudia procera (61 KB)
    The right is Adansonia fony (Bombacaceae). The most (8/10) of the species of BAOBAB (genus Adansonia) is grown in Madagascar. The different species of baobab Adansonia za (59 KB)

    8. Fruit of Baobab at Ifaty ( 57KB)

    Showing the fruits on the tree (40 KB)

    9. Sunset at Isalo

    10. Collection at Isalo (79KB)

    The zoological group of our party collected toxic animals, such as scopion (29 KB).

    Camera:Canon EOS Kiss, Lens: EF 28-80mm or EF 75-300mm, Film: Fujicolor super 400, processed with Codak Photo CD, or EPSON scanner GT5500 (from 12.5 x 9 cm print), taken by Kazuo Yamasaki unless otherwise stated.


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